Passion, happiness and professionalism sign the livingwork from Barbanera’s. In the evocative hills of Monferrato Piemonte the love for good wine, enhanced by Italian’s taste and quality, give birth to an unique experience. Among its fragrant vineyards, the colors of nature, the warmth of the sun and the charm of freshly bottled wine, takes place this long tradition.
Barbanera wines are jewels from the earth, improved with wisdom and love, delight all who are lucky enough to taste them!
Barbera d’Asti D.O.C.G. with an intense ruby red color and a harmonious flavor. The Cortese is a clear and truthful wine with a fruity and dry aftertaste. Unmistakable, Harmoniously sweet and precious, Moscato d’Asti D.O.C.G.
International grape variety like Chardonnay, together with local excellences, compose a complete wine list for this land.
The extraordinary biodiversity, primary characteristic of our prodouction’s area situated exclusively in Piemonte, allowed us to grow up thanks to an increasingly aware customer’s choice.
Here takes place this long country tradition,
that the challenges that a dynamic market,
combined with continuous sector techniques
evolution often overlooked.
The never ending research for quality and the care for environmental protection;
allowed us to realize a Truly Sustanaible Level of Quality.
Paraphrasing the famous modern architect,
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe:
“Simplification is not an end to itself, it is not a style or a language, but the reduction of reality’s complexity
to their essential quality:
Data sheets can be found in “Client Area”
All Barbanera wines can be found in the best Italian shops or directly from our winery contacting us.
Someone said: you can find more poetry in a glass of wine than in every book of the world. We love to fill that glass with passions and promises, to renew everytime a living poetry, always changing and improving, capable of amaze with every sip and make unique every meeting.
Quel bicchiere, noi amiamo riempirlo di passioni e promesse, per rinnovare ogni volta una poesia viva, nuova, in costante movimento, capace di sorprendere ad ogni assaggio e di rendere unica ogni occasione e incontro.
- Giampiero Barbanera -